Sinatra Blackjack

It's like Vegas, but with none of the regrets.

I built a procedural Blackjack game in Ruby, and then refactored it into an Object-Oriented version. That taught me a lot about how to use Ruby to create a simple, but engaging game. I used that knowledge to build this version as a web app, using the Sinatra framework.

I love working with Sinatra. It’s clean, simple, and very powerful. To learn more about my experiences, please see this blog post. Or scroll down to see the app in action!

Choose a username. It'll be stored for the session!
Place a bet, big spender. The first $500 is on the house.
Hit or Stand?
It's the dealer's turn...
Sometimes, you win...
Sometimes, you don't.

By building this app, I developed valuable skills, including:

  • Building routes and authentication from scratch
  • Processing forms and passing URL params
  • Debugging web applications
  • Deploying to Heroku
  • Building an app with Sinatra