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Comment Away!

I’ve enabled Disqus comments on this site. In past blogs, I used comments, but many of the arguments against them make sense to me. In some cases, comments invite a lot of negativity and spam, and require too much administration. But there are also many examples where comments have helped build a strong sense of community and added value to a blog. I’d like to give it a shot, because I’d love to hear from my readers.

Setting up comments for my Jekyll blog was easy.

First, I needed a Disqus account. Then, I choose the category (‘tech’, of course…). Finally, I choose the platform (‘Universal Code’).

I took the autogenerated code, and put it in my ‘post.html’ layout, and that was it.

To use comments on a post, I simply added comments: true to my front matter when I create a site post. If I don’t want to use comments on a particular post, I can just omit that line, or write: comments: false.

I haven’t set up any analytics for this blog, and I doubt many people are reading it yet, but I hope this will provide a way to engage readers, and let others contribute to the discussion. We can learn a lot from each other!

Here’s a link to the DISQUS For Websites page, if you’d like to learn more.

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